Cliché Generator

Write what you know!

Are you ever stuck trying to find the perfect cliche phrase, but your own creativity falls short? Look no further! Our Cliche Generator is here to help.

With our tool; finding a classic phrase has never been easier. No more wasting time searching for the right words. Our generator will provide you with precisely what you need in seconds! The Cliche Generator is your go-to source for finding memorable phrases to make any project stand out.

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Cliché Generator

About the Cliché Generator

notes from the developer:

Clichés are phrases or expressions that are used often. Sometimes they have lost their original meaning or impact.
When I was designing this tool, I researched writing with clichés. It was hard to find anything in favor of using them. The joke seems to be: “Avoid clichés like the plague.”
Yet, cliches can be helpful in certain situations. They can convey a message quickly. They are familiar to many people. They can create a sense of unity. The reader can identify with the words.
Too many cliches can be tedious. But if used in the proper context, they can be powerful.
Use this tool to find cliches and common expressions on almost any subject.

Cliché Examples

Here is an example of what our tool can do!

We typed:Money

Here is what our tool generated:
  • Money doesn't grow on trees.
  • A penny saved is a penny earned.
  • Money talks.
  • You have to spend money to make money.
  • A fool and his money are soon parted.

We typed:Success

Here is what our tool generated:
  • No pain, no gain.
  • Rome wasn't built in a day.
  • When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
  • Success is a journey, not a destination.
  • The sky's the limit.

We typed:Love

Here is what our tool generated:
  • Love is blind
  • All's fair in love and war
  • Love conquers all
  • A match made in heaven
  • When you know, you know
Using cliches effectively in writing or conversation isn't rocket science. In fact, cliches can be useful tools for communicating ideas quickly and efficiently.

Writing Modes


Oh great, another meeting about meetings. This tone is disdainful and mocking, indicating a lack of enthusiasm for the topic at hand.


It is with great pleasure that I extend to you an invitation to attend our annual gala. This tone is polite and professional. It indicates respect for the recipient and the importance of the event.


Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing! This tone is playful and lighthearted, using humor to engage the reader.


I can't believe you would do something so thoughtless and selfish! This tone is confrontational and emotional, expressing frustration and disappointment.


We face challenges but, I am confident we can overcome them and achieve success. This tone is upbeat and encouraging, expressing positivity and a can-do attitude.


I often wonder what my life would be like if I had made different choices. This tone is thoughtful and reflective, expressing a sense of contemplation and introspection.


The sun was setting over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sky. This tone is detailed , using descriptive language to paint a vivid picture.


I remember the days when we used to play outside until the streetlights came on. This tone is sentimental and wistful, expressing a longing for the past.


As the CEO, I can assure you that this decision is in the best interest of our stakeholders. This tone is confident and assertive, expressing a position of power and authority.


The rain fell softly against the windowpane, as I sat alone with my thoughts. This tone is somber and introspective, expressing a sense of sadness or melancholy.

Benefits of Clichés


Using clichés can help clarify a point by using a well-known phrase that conveys a particular meaning. Saying actions speak louder than words is familiar. It can convey the importance of someone's behavior over their words.


Clichés are often used because they are widely recognized by many people. This can help establish a connection between the speaker and the audience. This makes the message easier to understand and relate to.


Clichés are often used because they are short and to the point. This makes them an efficient way to communicate a message. For example, saying better safe than sorry is a concise way to convey the importance of taking precautions.


Clichés can also be used for comedic effects, either by subverting them or by using them in unexpected ways. This can help lighten the mood and make the message more engaging.


Clichés can evoke strong emotions in the audience. This is especially true if linked with a particular cultural or historical context. For example, saying We shall overcome can inspire a sense of hope and resilience in those who hear it.


Using clichés can also lend authority to the speaker. This is more effective if they are using a phrase that goes with a particular field. A doctor who says an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure may be seen as more trustworthy and knowledgeable.


Clichés can also help create a sense of unity and shared experience among the audience. For example, saying we're all in this together. This can help create a sense of solidarity and support among those who are facing a common challenge.

Using cliches can be effective. They are often seen as a silver lining in the clouds of writing. Cliches can add familiarity to your writing. They can help connect with readers.
Clichés can be boring. But you can make them work. Use them like lemons. Squeeze every last drop of meaning out of them. You can turn a tired phrase into something fresh and exciting.

Uses for Clichés

  • In creative writing. Use in poetry and fiction, to establish a familiar and relatable tone.
  • In advertising and marketing campaigns to convey a message with speed.
  • In speeches and presentations to emphasize a point and make it memorable.
  • In comedic performances to poke fun at common sayings and phrases.
  • In self-help and motivational literature to inspire and encourage readers.
  • In news reporting and journalism to convey a widely accepted idea or viewpoint.
  • In social media posts and captions to add humor and personality to content.
  • In song lyrics to create a catchy and memorable hook.
  • In greeting cards and messages to express common sentiments and emotions.

Sample Input

Here are some suggestions you can try in the tool.

  • Love
  • Nature
  • Death
  • Childhood memories
  • Social injustice
  • Dreams
  • Friendship
  • Loss
  • Hope
  • Loneliness
  • Spirituality
  • Politics
  • War
  • Beauty
  • Aging
  • Animals
  • Music
  • Art
  • Travel
  • Philosophy
Original phrases don't grow on trees. Cliches are often used instead.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a cliché?

A cliché is a phrase or expression that has become so overused that it has lost its original meaning or impact.

Should I avoid using cliches in my writing?

Using cliches can make your writing seem unoriginal and lacking in creativity. It can also make your work less engaging for readers.

Are cliches always bad in writing?

No, there are some instances where a cliché can convey a specific tone or mood. However, it is essential to use them creatively.

What are some examples of typical cliches?

"Rome wasn't built in a day," "actions speak louder than words," "the calm before the storm," "don't judge a book by its cover," "time heals all wounds."

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